In the age of digital convenience, ordering lingerie online has become a popular and hassle-free way to update your intimate wardrobe. Follow these simple steps to ensure a smooth and enjoyable online shopping experience.
Browse the shop by clicking on the product categories in the menu at the top of the screen.and select your desired products from the available options.

Click on product pictures to see more information and to load a larger picture.

Select Size, Color, and Quantity
-If you see a black square box, your selection is successful.
-To clear all options, please click on “Clear”
– If you wish to view the image corresponding to the selected color, both color and size options must be chosen for the color image to be displayed. If you only select the color without choosing a size, the color image will not be displayed.

Click the “Add to basket” button to add it to your basket.

Your Item Added Successfully!
You have successfully added the item to your cart. You can either click “View Basket” directly to check your cart or swiftly navigate to the basket page by clicking the small shopping cart icon on the top right corner of the screen in the menu.

When you arrive at the shopping cart, you’ll find your selected items neatly added. The total cost of items in your basket will be automatically calculated. You can choose standard delivery or opt for in-store pickup.For added benefit, our “Free Delivery” option becomes available when your total reaches R700 or more. Once this option appears, be sure to select “Free Delivery” to enjoy complimentary shipping.
Once you’ve chosen your preferred shipping method, simply click on “Process to Checkout” to smoothly proceed to the next step.

This marks the final step. Fill in your detailed information and click “Place Order” to complete your transaction.

Congratulations on successfully placing your order! Upon completing your purchase, a confirmation email will be sent to you. This email will provide a detailed list of the products you’ve bought, your order total, as well as the billing and delivery addresses.